Saturday, October 29, 2016

Creativity And New Media

I created a SecondLife avatar. I chose this avatar due to the theme of Halloween. SecondLife was different in experience. At first, I thought it was basic because you could move around and view different things. They got me hooked when I was able to fly! I CAN FLY!!! I was exploring SecondLife more and somehow ended up in Dublin. I was teleported there and was amazed at the depiction of Dublin, because it was night and that portrayed the theme of reality with fiction. I was curious as to what more SecondLife has to offer and ended up finding a maze. I decided to be brave and enter the maze and find the statue of victory inside the maze. It took me a while but, I got it! And Happy Halloween!!!

Just casually swinging on a swing on a Saturday morning!
The curious thought of entering the maze!
The joyous moment of glory and success of finding the statue hidden in the maze!

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