Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wikis


According to, blog is defined as "a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style." Blog is shortened for the word web log where the users post entries of interest. Blog entries are made by the specific user pertaining to its interest of topic. The blog is left open to comments in which a community can create a conversation in regards to the topic.


According to, wiki is defined as "a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users." Unlike the blog, wiki posts can be modified by anyone who has access to that wiki website. Wiki gives information provided by the general public and if anyone has a different thought put then, it is open to that person to make changes with the "edit" and "save" key. 

The Similarities and Differences:

They both serve the purpose of helping teams collaborate on different types of projects. In terms of giving certain types of instructions, blogs can be significantly helpful because there are specific guidelines provided by the manager of that project that the workers must follow. While on the other hand, wikis serves as a purpose of brainstorming ideas on a certain topic where others can have their inputs on the same level role as a worker. "Wikis continue to evolve as people add and revise information." The wiki is ever-changing and is organized in chronological order. On the other hand, blogs are organized in reverse chronological order and the most recent posting is posted on top of the webpage.

New/Improved use of wikis:

Wiki is compatible for many purposes. It can be used for collaborative work such as project management, debates, FAQs, brainstorming, notes, checklists,contacts, research,etc. I believe that wikis can be explored in many different forms due to  its compatibility to "edit" and "save" on a world wide platform. I believe that wikis are already being used in its full effect and all there is to do is that it just needs to be improvised as history is being made.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Exploring Snapchat

My research is on Snapchat. I am going to incorporate the research, the analysis, and the impact of Snapchat. I am going to talk about the different perspectives and forms of Snapchat. I am also going to state the positives and the negatives that Snapchat offers. I am also going to talk about the impact Snapchat has on society.